Friday, January 22, 2010

Slow motion Haven must pull their socks up

IT was meant to be a compensation, even a treat, for the loss of the club’s most talented player but in the end it was a touch embarrassing.

Especially as ponderous Whitehaven ended up getting beat at home by what was virtually Huddersfield reserves.

“Super League comes to Whitehaven” – this was the billing for Haven’s eagerly awaited double header – Huddersfield Giants last weekend and World Club champions Leeds this Sunday.

But not a Giants Super League star in sight at The Recre.

Little wonder fans left the ground feeling a little cheated, having forked out good money to see at least some semblance of elite; it wouldn’t have been so bad if Haven had put up a decent show and actually won.

Frankly this wasn’t men against boys – it was Whitehaven looking like jaded old men against some enthusiastic, talented and physical Huddersfield kids, who really were Giants compared to the home lot.

Yes, Haven were abysmal on the pitch, but I’m not blaming the club, who have actually said sorry to the fans and were equally disappointed.

Difficult for Haven officials to put anything in tablets of stone over who should play and who shouldn’t, so far ahead of the deal that took Gregg McNally to Huddersfield.

The Giants could have played it a bit fairer – it seems their stars were booked into St James Park at Newcastle for some proper training after all the snow and ice – happen they didn’t consider playing a near full-strength Whitehaven outfit to be much of a test.

But as one wag put it: “Maybe it’s just as well they didn’t send the Super League team, what would the score have been then?”

No excuses for Whitehaven, even if players did feel it would really be men against boys!

Whether most of the thousand or so fans who did turn up actually knew what sort of team Huddersfield would turn out is debatable.

Some said that between them Haven’s Howard Hill and Rob Jackson probably had many more Super League appearances between them.

Friendly or not, Whitehaven’s first half performance must rank among the worst I’ve ever seen from them – simply slow motion and error ridden.

It spoke volumes when Ged Stokes kept his lack-lustre charges on the field at half time.

But unlike a certain soccer premiership manager who simply harranged his under-performing footballers on the pitch at half time, Mr Stokes put Haven through their paces, practising moves and took part in the process himself.

This amazing half time cameo seemed to have worked when tries from Rudd, Joe and Sice – welcome back Carl at least you looked sprightly! – seemingly had the game won.

It was not to be as the youthful Giants snatched deserved victory. Deservedly so.

Don’t want to be too unkind, but it certain-ly wasn’t good enough or value for money.

Especially as I’m sure a goodly number of fans bought that double (discount) ticket with high expectations of seeing two of the top teams and certainly a few of the best players.

Well, there are no superstars in the named Rhinos squad though there are three members of the side which won the Grand Final: England prop Ryan Bailey, Luke Burgess (brother of Sam) and Ian Kirk, but new Kiwi capture Greg Eastwood is named.

Still, here’s hoping its enough to click the turnstiles, give incentive and liven up a sluggish side.

Leeds agreed the fixture as part of the Kyle Amor transfer and the clubs’ dual registration scheme.

Last Sunday there was no mistaking one Huddersfield player – Gregg McNally, who kicked the winning goal and played a key tactical role – Amor will be on duty for Leeds but will he be on a winning side?

The least Haven fans are owed is for their favourites to pull their socks up.

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